About S.M.S

My photo
Shine My Silhouette also known as S.M.S was formed around end of September 2006. At first S.M.S was formed for the purposes of performing for the Curtin Carnival Oct/2006, then after a deep thought we found that we've got some potential in our combination of different area of musical fields. So we decided to stick together and started to compose our first single "Moments Breaking" which is now at the top of the chart on v.fm 92.7 (Sabah) Top 10 Local Urban English. Thanks for everyone’s support and keep on supporting because you guys are the ones that make S.M.S shine! We are nothing without you. Thank you --Lead Singer: Jessie Quintin--Guitars & Vocals: Calvin Chan Myae--Bass: Derek Voon--Drums: Archivito Aryo Santoso--

15 July 2007

Not enough Sleep

I know yesterday should be the official launch of Shine My Silhouette blog and news and details about our visit to RTM Sabah should be the very first update but please forgive us all as we had a splendid time last night and only went home around 5 a.m and me (Derek) and Calvin have not slept until 2 pm just now. (Calvin is still sleeping :>) Anyways due to loads of videos we have recorded and also many photos taken we will need some time to publish a nice long interesting post about our visit to RTM Sabah. So remember to visit again.

Before we end this post we would like to thank the DJ that interview us which is non other then DJ Selina Light and a little preview of the loads of fun we had. Here is how we showed our thanks and appreciation to her:

Introducing DJ Selina Light

and we all proceed towards her back

Yay!!! Success

sooooooooo cute

Victory!!! mwahahahaha

p/s: Vito we all miss you!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HeY S.M.S!

tHanKs foR upLoaDinG tHe piCs & ViDeoS. CooL! WisH You aLL tHe BeSt! CaN't Wait to See You aLL SooN! tHiS tiMe...witH Vito! :)

taKe CaRe!

HuGs & KiSseS!

DJ SeLiNa LigHt
SaBaH V fm